Bill Wostoupal & Nick Brown Millard West Best Practices: Coming on a 20 Year Anniversary for the Millard West Lacrosse Programs, Bill & Nick discuss what has led its program to be sustainable and successful. Topics include best practices, overcoming hurdles, school integration, partnerships, current environment assessment, recruiting, and more!
Next Meeting Sept 12th, 2024
12pm – 1pm cst
Join us in September for Alex Myhre, Head Coach for Midland Men’s Lacrosse/NAIA, Presentation about His Program, Recruiting, & Growing the Game in Nebraska, as well as Q & A.
If you want to present at the next meeting please email:
Happening Every 2nd Thursday of Each Month
The purpose of this collaboration is to allow anyone and everyone in the lacrosse community to attend to be able to work together to collaborate to support each others events & avoid duplication of event dates, as well as share news and needs. The goal is to increase communication among all lax stakeholders to help grow lax in NE.
“Work Together, Rise Together”
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